President Macron Reacts Following Taliban Strong Hold In Afghanistan - SurgeZirc FR

President Macron Reacts Following Taliban Strong Hold In Afghanistan

The Taliban On Sunday captured Kabul, the Afghanistan capital, and President Ashraf Ghani fled the country for his life. Images of the Taliban leaders storming...
French Police Shot Dead Islamist Knifeman Who Slits A Teacher's Throat In Paris - SurgeZirc France

French Police Shot Dead Islamist Knifeman Who Slits A Teacher’s Throat...

French police have killed a man who minutes earlier had killed a middle school teacher by slitting his throat in the street in a...
Knife Attack Outside Charlie Hebdo’s Former office Brought Back Bad Memories - SurgeZirc France

Knife Attack Outside Charlie Hebdo’s Former office Brought Back Bad Memories

Police officers began removing the red and white barrier tape that was placed on the Boulevard Richard Lenoir, only five hours after a knife...

Hayat Boumeddiene Alive? Darmanin Refuses To confirm, But Considers It “Important”...

Is Hayat Boumeddiene alive? While the ex-wife of Amédy Coulibaly, author of the Hyper Kosher attack, was given for dead a few months ago,...

At The “Charlie Trial”, The Obligation To Wear A Mask Reduced...

The masks may fall at the trial of the January 2015 attacks, at least this Thursday. The Paris Special Assize Court decided on September...

A French Woman Returned From Syria Ensures That Her Ex-husband Ordered...

A French woman who returned from Syria in January and has since been imprisoned told an examining magistrate that her first husband, a jihad...
Charlie Hebdo Terror Attack Accomplices' Trial Starts In Paris

Charlie Hebdo Terror Attack Accomplices’ Trial Starts In Paris

Fourteen people accused of helping jihadist gunmen storm the French satirical weekly Charlie Hebdo and a Jewish supermarket went on trial Wednesday, five years...

France To Relive Charlie Hebdo Attacks As Landmark Terror Trial Opens...

The trial of the deadly January 2015 terrorist attacks on French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo, police officers and a kosher supermarket opens in a...
Charlie Hebdo Terrorism Trial Opens In Paris Court This Week

Charlie Hebdo Terrorism Trial Opens In Paris Court This Week

The trial for the January 2015 attacks on satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo, police officers and a kosher supermarket opens in a Paris court Wednesday,...

Charlie Hebdo Reprints Divisive Prophet Mohamed Cartoons As Terror Trial Begins

To mark this week’s historic trial of the 2015 attacks on Charlie Hebdo, the French satirical weekly on Tuesday said it was republishing the...

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