The Party Launched By The Left-Wing Ex-LREM: “The New Democrats”

The New Democrats whose membership stands around 600 are also launching an appeal for the 2022 presidential election to the left, from rebellious France to the Socialist Party via Europe Ecologie - Les Verts.

The Party Launched By The Left-Wing Ex-LREM: The New Democrats - SurgeZirc France
The Party Launched By The Left-Wing Ex-LREM: "The New Democrats" / Photo credit: HuffPost

MPs Aurélien Taché and Emilie Cariou will co-chair a new political party called “The New Democrats”, according to their announced Wednesday, Dec. 16. A move that calls for a large rally on the left around 40 major proposals.

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It is the emanation of the “Nous Demain” movement, launched in June and which is made up of a handful of parliamentarians who previously formed part of the left-wing of La République en Marche.

Among them are Guillaume Chiche, Delphine Bagarry, Sandrine Josso but also Fiona Lazaar, who left the Republic in March. This is the 44th departure of the majority group from the National Assembly since the start of the legislature. 

“I want to be the left-wing of the party, the one that obtains results, not the guarantee”, tells the deputy of Val-d’Oise to the Parisian. 

The founders of the New Democrats write, “We are resolutely in the field of the humanist left, convinced democrats erased every day by the blows of an authoritarian drift which will only play the game of extremes, for equality, social justice and solidarity.” 

The party lists 40 of its first proposals in institutional, ecological and social matters which include the right to vote at 16, the creation of an offence of racial discrimination in employment, the extension of the time limit for resorting to abortion, compulsory unionization in companies over 50 years old.

For employees, the gradual end of the grading system, at school or even the creation of a universal training allowance of 900 euros from the age of 18 when the young student or in vocational training is no longer attached to the tax household of his parents.

The New Democrats whose membership stands around 600 are also launching an appeal for the 2022 presidential election to the left, from rebellious France to the Socialist Party via Europe Ecologie – Les Verts.

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“The left does not lack figures, but without a clear, credible and daring program, no personality, even the most eminent, will impose itself”, they said by inviting the leaders of these parties to seize the proposals and to bring their stones to the edifice.

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