President Macron Calls Israeli President To Explain His Comment

The Israeli presidency acknowledged the conversation and highlighted Macron's support for Israel's right and duty to defend itself. Macron expressed his unequivocal support for Israel's war against Hamas.

President Macron Calls Israeli President To Explain His Comment - SurgeZirc France
President Macron Calls Israeli President To Explain His Comment.

Emmanuel Macron, the President of France, reached out to Israeli President Isaac Herzog on Sunday, November 12, to clarify his comments regarding the bombings in Gaza.

This phone conversation came after Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu criticized Macron for his statements during an interview with the BBC.

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In a press release from Herzog’s office, it was stated that Macron assured the Israeli president that he did not intend to accuse Israel of intentionally harming innocent civilians in the campaign against Hamas.

Macron emphasized that his comments to the BBC were focused on the humanitarian situation, which he considers to be an important issue for many countries.

The Israeli presidency acknowledged the conversation and highlighted Macron’s support for Israel’s right and duty to defend itself. Macron expressed his unequivocal support for Israel’s war against Hamas.

However, the Israeli presidency also noted that Macron’s comments to the BBC had caused pain and annoyance in Israel. The Élysée, the official residence of the French president, did not mention the specific comments made to the BBC in its report of the conversation.

Instead, it reaffirmed France’s solidarity with Israel in its fight against terrorism and emphasized the importance of conducting this fight in accordance with international humanitarian law and the protection of civilian populations.

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The phone conversation between Macron and Herzog serves as an example of diplomatic efforts to address misunderstandings and clarify statements.

It demonstrates the importance of open communication and dialogue between world leaders, especially during times of heightened tensions and conflicts.

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