President Macron Ally Told Sky News Ridge “EU Fishing Policy Has Been A Success”

Mayor of Boulogne, Federic Cuvillier, said more than 5,000 jobs in his area depend on fishing, “It’s worrying, but we have to keep hoping for an agreement. We need an appeal to reason”.

President Macron Ally Told Sky News Ridge EU Fishing Policy Has Been A Success - SurgeZirc France
President Macron Ally Told Sky News Ridge "EU Fishing Policy Has Been A Success" / Photo credit: Photoshot

France has taken a stance against the UK post-Brexit fishing demand with one of the French President Emmanuel Macron’s close ally Nathalie Loiseau telling Sky News that the Common Fisheries Policy “has been a success”.

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France has so far maintained its stance on fishing, refusing Britain’s offer even as a no-deal Brexit loom with the end date for the transition period fast closing. A close ally of President Macron, Nathalie Loiseau, told Sky News’ Sophy Ridge Sunday morning that the European Union’s Common Fisheries Policy “so far has been a success”.

Responding to a questioned by Ridge whether it was right for British fishermen to have access to more fish, the French MEP said, “Why should we ruin something that works?”

Sophy Ridge responded immediately, “You can see why fishermen in Europe might think the Common Fisheries Policy has worked. But, if you speak to British fishermen, they certainly don’t think it has worked. They think their industry has been decimated because of it.”

Europe and Britain’s post-Brexit trade negotiation so far hasn’t worked yet due to disagreement on Fishing and some other factors. Even while British Brexit majority are strongly clamouring for a no-deal Brexit considering the short period of time remaining, the EU negotiators are hopeful that a deal is 95 per cent complete.

The Sky New presenter also asked Loiseau, “One of the main sticking points is fishing. Fishing is a big deal here in the UK, but also a big deal over there in France. Isn’t it right that British fishermen have access to more of fish in British waters after Brexit?”

“Nobody is denying that the waters are becoming British. But nobody forgets that the Common Fisheries Policy so far has been a success. It has provided sustainable fishing and decent incomes on both sides. Why should we ruin something that works?

“Let us try to find a solution that is balanced and long-term so fishermen on both sides don’t suffer. We are not the only fishing member-state in the European Union. Fisheries is a European policy. This is shared by all member-states. It is not intended to hurt anyone,” Ms Loiseau responded.

President Macron has repeatedly warned that any agreement that doesn’t preserve the interests of EU fishermen in UK waters will be blocked. However, the French leader has already tumbled a compromise offer that was delivered by the EU chief negotiator Mr Barnier in a move to reach a deal at all cost.

President Macron is reportedly demanding the same level of access to the UK’s fishing waters after the transition period.

The UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson has been quiet on Britain becoming an independent coastal nation with the Government controlling access to the nation’s waters.

Mayor of Boulogne, Federic Cuvillier, said more than 5,000 jobs in his area depend on fishing, “It’s worrying, but we have to keep hoping for an agreement. We need an appeal to reason”.

Meanwhile, Olivier Lepretre, who’s the chairman of the northern French fishermen’s association, has also urged both sides to reach a reasonable compromise.

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