François Bayrou Says “4000 Euros Is The Middle Classes”, The Left Not Pleased

“The median salary in France is 1789 euros. Half of the employees do not earn this amount ”, noted for its part the PCF which considers the scale adopted by Bayrou of“ above ground”.

François Bayrou Says "4000 Euros Is The Middle Classes", The Left Not Pleased - SurgeZirc France
François Bayrou Says "4000 Euros Is The Middle Classes", The Left Not Pleased / Photo credit: HuffPost FR

The president of the Modem and Plan Commissioner François Bayrou pleaded Sunday for a “Marshall Plan”, in order to rebuild the productive apparatus in times of “war”, on the Covid front.

“We need a plan of reconquest, a Marshall plan, like after the war” to “support all the forces of the country, from companies to families, in the war on the front of the epidemic”, the centrist leader in Le Parisian said.

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Bayrou who was a guest of the LCI / RTL / Le Figaro grand jury on Sunday explained that the Planning Commission that he heads “will propose an approach from next week”, but “it will be the work of the decade in which we are ”with“ a horizon of at least three years ”.

Speaking on the advisability of an exceptional contribution from the richest during the Covid period, Bayrou was not reluctant. However, he estimated that “ 4000 euros per month, for me, it is the middle classes”. “I’m not saying it’s the rich, ” he said.

A remark that did not please the left. During the day, Bayrou drew the wrath of several personalities who do not believe that the threshold of 4000 euros per month, mentioned by François Hollande in his time, concerns the middle class in France.

“How to understand the yellow vests, the movement on pensions, the claims of caregivers … when we think that the French earn an average of € 4,000 / month”, annoyed for his part the first secretary of the PS Olivier Faure.

“The median salary in France is 1789 euros. Half of the employees do not earn this amount ”, noted for its part the PCF which considers the scale adopted by Bayrou of“ above ground”.

MP Matthieu Lorpherlin, for his part, considered that the sequence was an “example” of “disconnection” from the reality of the country. 

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According to the Observatory of Inequalities, which is based on data from INSEE from 2018, an employee who receives 4,000 euros net per month before withholding tax is part of the 9% of the best paid French people. 

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