Emmanuel Macron Faces Challenges In The European Election Campaign

Various attempts have been made to boost the campaign, including an offensive against the National Rally, a campaign meeting in Lille with all the leaders of the presidential camp, and the presence and warnings of Emmanuel Macron on subjects related to the war in Ukraine.

Emmanuel Macron Faces Challenges In The European Election Campaign - SurgeZirc FR
Emmanuel Macron Faces Challenges In The European Election Campaign.

When Emmanuel Macron appointed Gabriel Attal to Matignon and formed a tight government with highly political profiles, it was clear that he wanted a combat team to lead the European elections and make the voice of the presidential camp heard.

However, hopes seem to have been dashed as several press reports indicate the annoyance of the President of the Republic at the sluggish start of the campaign.

Just two and a half months later, the signals are red for Valérie Hayer in the voting intention polls. Le Parisien recounted in its columns the “great pressure” that Emmanuel Macron exerted on his troops during a dinner of the presidential camp’s leaders at the Élysée.

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He expressed his dissatisfaction, saying, “Now is the time for commentary rather than mobilization, I would like that to change.”

Since then, Emmanuel Macron has taken matters into his own hands, expressing his concerns in even clearer terms. During the last European Council in Brussels, he asked his ministers to step up their efforts.

In an interview with Le Journal du Dimanche, he stated, “We must campaign on defense Europe which is emerging from its geopolitical isolation. We must also put forward a project to protect children, particularly against online child pornography and harassment. On health, we must propose a major European plan.”

Despite the President’s call to action, the campaign of the presidential camp still faces challenges. Valérie Hayer is far behind in the voting intention polls, trailing the National Rally list led by Jordan Bardella by at least ten points.

The MEP does not seem to benefit from any dynamic since being chosen by the President to lead this battle.

Various attempts have been made to boost the campaign, including an offensive against the National Rally, a campaign meeting in Lille with all the leaders of the presidential camp, and the presence and warnings of Emmanuel Macron on subjects related to the war in Ukraine.

However, none of these efforts have yielded significant results so far.

Furthermore, studies of voting intentions suggest that there is an erosion of the electoral base of the President towards the left, specifically towards the PS-Place Publique list of Raphaël Glucksmann.

Glucksmann seems to be the third leading candidate in this campaign, with certain polls indicating a 13% share of voting intentions.

Gilles Finchelstein, the Secretary General of the Jean Jaurès Foundation, analyzes this shift, stating, “Due to the accentuated right-wing of the second five-year term, [Renaissance] is losing on its left: 20% of voters who voted for Macron in the first round of the 2022 presidential election should vote for a left-wing list, mainly for the one led by Glucksmann.”

All these factors contribute to the urgency felt by the President to “get moving” and revitalize the campaign. The slow start and the challenges faced by the presidential camp necessitate a change in strategy and a stronger push towards the issues that matter to the electorate.

Emmanuel Macron’s desire to campaign on defence Europe, child protection, and a major European health plan reflects his determination to address pressing concerns. These initiatives, if effectively communicated and implemented, could help regain momentum and appeal to voters.

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