Donald Trump Organizes Two Hanukkah White House Parties

Although some media reports blasted the event which had in attendant, up to 150 people indoors, and noted social media images showing Chief of Staff Mark Meadows not wearing a mask.

Donald Trump Organizes Two Hanukkah White House Parties - SurgeZirc France
Donald Trump Organizes Two Hanukkah White House Parties / Photo credit: Communicate

President Donald Trump joked at a White House Hanukkah bash on Wednesday saying, “I just want to wish everybody a very happy Hanukkah! And for about three of you here tonight, Merry Christmas.”

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“This is the one everybody wants tickets to… a lot of friends, I see the faces, a lot of talent here,” Donald Trump added referring to the guest of the evening party.

A reliable source disclosed that there were two Hanukkah celebrations in the East Room on Wednesday, which also had in attendance Melania Trump, Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner, not forgetting Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin and lawyer Sidney Powell.

There was also a former independent presidential candidate and Bitcoin billionaire Brock Pierce among them, who was “wearing a mask and a black yarmulke with a blue thunderbolt on it, the logo he uses at his camp at Burning Man,” according to a source.

There was also, “Gucci sneakers featuring red apples signalling New York, where he’s spending more time now.”

Some guests were spotted wearing red Trump yarmulkes, and hats that were written, “Build Israel Great Again.”

The source said, “The White House chef served up a lavish kosher meal, including two kinds of latkes,” and two bands played.

Although some media reports blasted the event which had in attendant, up to 150 people indoors, and noted social media images showing Chief of Staff Mark Meadows not wearing a mask.

But someone who attended the event said, “The Secret Service made sure everyone wore their masks unless eating or drinking… they were very concerned about COVID, and the guest list was cut way back from the usual 400-plus.”

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Trump also told his devout followers at the shindig, “We’re going to win this election in a landslide!”

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