CUPE Members to Prepare for Provincial Bargaining at Conference in Gander April 2-3

GANDER, Newfoundland–()–CUPE’s bargaining team will discuss contract proposals, member mobilization, and the union’s “no concession policy” at a two-day strategic planning conference taking place in Gander on April 2 and 3, 2022. The union is preparing for the upcoming round of bargaining with the provincial government. Public sector contracts expire March 31, 2022.

Dozens of bargaining committee members will attend from 23 locals across the province, representing over 3,800 members who work in health care, long term care, school boards, NL Housing, Government House, NL Public Libraries, as well as transition and group homes.

CUPE NL President Sherry Hillier says, “After many years of disappointment by the Liberal government, and the threat of massive cuts to both public services and public sector jobs from Premier Andrew Furey’s so-called “reset” plan, CUPE members have had enough and are ready to take action.”

“For many years, our members have suffered real wage losses from provincially-mandated wage freezes, cuts or minimal increases,” states Hillier. “They are ready to fight back and to ‘reject the reset’.”

Members will be joined by CUPE Atlantic Regional Director Tracey Pinder, CUPE Campaign Coordinator Ed White, as well as staff representatives from CUPE National branches including legal, research, human rights, union education, health and safety, communications, and organizing and regional services.

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