A Look At What Will Be Allowed During The 6 pm To 6 am Curfew

It will be possible to return home after 6 pm at the end of a training course by completing the exceptional travel certificate with the reason “travel between home and the place of education and training”.

A Look At What Will Be Allowed During The 6 pm To 6 am Curfew - SurgeZirc France
A Look At What Will Be Allowed During The 6 pm To 6 am Curfew / Photo credit: BBC

Prime Minister Jean Castex has announced that from Saturday, January 16, a national curfew from 6 pm to 6 am will be established to help the fight against the coronavirus that has continued to spread rapidly.  

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The curfew will remain in place for at least fifteen days. Though it may be extended, that will depend on the evolution of a health situation considered “fragile” according to the Prime Minister, mostly with the emergence of a British variant of the coronavirus which is likely to ‘to be “30 to 70% more contagious” according to the Minister of Health, Olivier Véran.

Below are what you may be allowed to do during the curfew period and what will not be tolerated from January 16 when the curfew begins throughout the nation.

Outings and trips without derogatory certificates will be prohibited from 6 p.m. to 6 a.m., under penalty of a fine of €135 and up to €3,750 in the event of a repeat offence, while cultural establishments as well as bars and restaurants will remain closed.

While establishments that are authorized to open will no longer be able to welcome the public after 6 p.m.

Will it be possible to come back from work after 6 p.m.?

Returning from work after 6 p.m. will be possible on condition of having completed an exceptional travel certificate, by checking the reason “travel between home and place of professional activity”.

Can we take public transport after 6 p.m.?

Public transportation will operate during the curfew. It will also be possible to travel by train or plane for long journeys. You will need to complete the exceptional travel certificate by choosing the reason “Travel related to rail, air or bus transits for long-distance travel”.

In Île-de-France, the president of the region, Valérie Pécresse, announced the advancement of the afternoon rush hour to 3:30 p.m. (instead of 4:30 p.m.), in order to avoid congestion and with an offer reinforced by “25 to 30%” on this additional niche.

Will we be able to pick up our child from school after 6 p.m.?

Schools will remain open during the curfew. Recovering his child will therefore be authorized. You will have to complete the exceptional travel certificate by choosing the reason “travel for compelling family reasons”. It should be noted that school bus service will also be maintained after 6 p.m. and that childcare will be an authorized reason for leaving.

Will extracurricular activities still be allowed?

If your child does sports or an artistic activity after 6 p.m., he will not be able to attend during the next fortnight.

Will it be possible to go shopping?

No, because essential and “non-essential” businesses will have to close their doors to the public at 6 pm.

Will restaurants be able to deliver after 6 p.m.?

Yes, you will still be able to have your dinner delivered after 6 p.m. as home deliveries will be permitted.

Will it be possible to return from training after 6 p.m.?

It will be possible to return home after 6 pm at the end of a training course by completing the exceptional travel certificate with the reason “travel between home and the place of education and training”.

Will we be able to go to the doctor, buy drugs at the pharmacy?

A consultation with the doctor is one of the exceptional reasons for leaving. Pharmacies will also remain open, you will have to bring the derogatory certificate and tick the reason “travel for consultations and care”.

Will visits to nursing homes be possible?

Visiting a loved one in a nursing home will only be authorized during the day before 6 p.m., in strict compliance with barrier gestures.

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Will we be able to walk or play sports?

Jogging or taking a walk after 6 p.m. will not be allowed under penalty of a fine of 135 euros. Gyms remain closed until further notice.

Will we be able to walk our pet?

To walk your pet, you will need to check box 8 of the certificate: “short trips, within a maximum radius of one kilometre around the home for the needs of pets”.

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