2021 To Show Presidential Candidates For 2022 Race, Will Macron Be Re-elected?

The President's interview with the magazine was a medium for him to talk about his political strategy for the months and years to come. Will he be a candidate for re-election in spring 2022? 

2021 To Show Presidential Candidates For 2022 Race, Will Macron Be Re-elected? - SurgeZirc France
2021 To Show Presidential Candidates For 2022 Race, Will Macron Be Re-elected? / Photo credit: HuffPost

2021 is the year for major political formations to build their strategies and advance their plans with a view of winning the election in 2022.

Despite testing positive for the coronavirus and being isolated at the residence of La Lanterne in Versailles on December 22, President Emmanuel Macron insisted on maintaining his appointment with L’Express

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The President’s interview with the magazine was a medium for him to talk about his political strategy for the months and years to come. Will he be a candidate for re-election in spring 2022? 

It’s still early to tell, President Macron having hypothesized that he would be prevented from rerunning during an interview with Brut on December 4, but he as outgoing president is also in a position of strength. 

He has a balance sheet,  the main lines of his profession of faith, and already his slogan, “We, French”. In front of him, two leading political figures: Marine Le Pen and Jean-Luc Mélenchon who have already placed themselves on the starting line, announcing their candidacy during the year. 

A breeze of the presidential election has been blowing in recent months, despite a few crises here and there due to the coronavirus pandemic. But that’s nothing compared to what we will see in 2021.

“The year preceding the election is always very presidential, we think of the primaries in 2016 and it is during this year that Emmanuel Macron laid the foundations for his candidacy.

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“The same thing in 2011, at the time of the ousting of DSK, François Hollande, who had prepared the ground, was already ready to take over ”, recalls Emmanuel Rivière, director of the public division of the Kantar polling institute who also added that, “The French generally enter the presidential election from the fall which precedes the election in April.” 

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