Parliamentarian Says Following Meghan’s Claims British Monarchy Is Headed For An End

“Harry said there’s been an awful lot of hurt. Well, there’s been an awful lot of hurt now on the side of the Windsors from this interview.” 

Parliamentarian Says Following Meghan's Claims British Monarchy Is Headed For An End - SurgeZirc FR
Parliamentarian Says Following Meghan's Claims British Monarchy Is Headed For An End / Photo credit: Getty Images/Page Six

Meghan Markle’s claims about her life, while she was in the royal family, have fundamentally altered the British monarchy “as we know it,” Parliamentarian Diane Abbott said.

Diane Abbott is the former Shadow Home Secretary, the first black member of Parliament. Diane wrote in a new Vanity Fair cover story that, following the Duchess of Sussex’s contentions, the monarchy “as we know it will last as long as the queen is alive.”

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Abbott said if Her Majesty’s dies, “I think there will be a big public debate, and I think what the royal family and their advisers did with Meghan will be part of the argument for change.”

She also said the debate will reach the floor of Parliament, with a “clamour to look at the current arrangement and maybe move to a more Scandinavian monarchy, where you don’t have all the pomp and ceremony.”

Biracial Meghan Markle last month revealed to Oprah Winfrey how members of the royal family had issues with Prince Harry over how dark their son’s skin would be when he’s finally born. She also spoke about how she was not happy within palace life that she even thought of taking her own life.

Parliamentarian Says Following Meghan's Claims British Monarchy Is Headed For An End - SurgeZirc FR
Members of the British royal family with the Queen and Prince Philip / Photo credit: Getty Images

Another British writer… Anna Pasternak noted that Meghan’s claims may even stop Prince Charles from being crowned King after his mother the queen dies.

“I’m not 100 per cent sure that we will see Charles ascend to the throne. The Sussexes have sparked something so fundamentally incendiary in this country that it is changing the face of Britain, and I think the monarchy as an archaic institution may well topple,” Pasternak told VF.

Prince Harry during the same interview said his father Prince Charles and older brother Prince William are still trapped within their roles in the royal family, “both sides are like wounded animals,” Pasternak said.

Anna who said she wondered if Meghan will ever set foot on British soil again added that, “Harry said there’s been an awful lot of hurt. Well, there’s been an awful lot of hurt now on the side of the Windsors from this interview.”

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After Prince Harry and Prince William’s reunion at their grandfather’s funeral on Saturday, Peter York, co-author of ‘The Official Sloane Ranger Handbook,’ said, “The ideal reconciliation will be if, in some way, the queen can engineer it while she’s still around. It would serve the monarchy to show that, as it were, brotherly love, grandmotherly love, had triumphed.”

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