Laurent Saint-Martin Explains Who Will Be Affected By The Tax Rise

"We are going to make targeted, temporary, exceptional contributions, first on large companies, but also on households that can participate," he announced, before giving examples of those who could be affected by a tax increase."

Laurent Saint-Martin Explains Who Will Be Affected By The Tax Rise - TBPA News
Laurent Saint-Martin Explains Who Will Be Affected By The Tax Rise.

The Prime Minister issued the warning, just as Bercy confirmed the government’s goal to raise $20 billion in income to close the 2025 budget. Laurent Saint-Martin, Minister of the Budget, disclosed (to some extent) the executive’s ambitions in this area on France 2 on Thursday, October 3, breaching a Macronist taboo.

“We are going to make targeted, temporary, exceptional contributions, first on large companies, but also on households that can participate,” he announced, before giving examples of those who could be affected by a tax increase.

“For some households, we are talking about 0.3%, a household without children that earns an income of around 500,000 euros per year, — we can legitimately ask the wealthiest taxpayers in this country to participate,” illustrated Laurent Saint-Martin, insisting on the exceptional and temporary nature of this tax effort.

Therefore, a tiny part of the wealthiest taxpayers will be affected by this tax increase, since according to the Observatory of Inequalities, people receiving 3,860 euros per month after deduction can be considered “rich”. “We are talking about the wealthiest,” the Minister insisted.

“The 0.3%, that means 65,000 households concerned, out of around 20 million households who pay income tax today,” the minister’s entourage explained a posteriori. Very few, indeed.

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